Patricia Polacco Visits Frost!

Beloved children’s author and illustrator, Patricia Polacco, visited Frost library Tuesday, September 15th and Frost students were enchanted by her amazing storytelling.  Ms. Polacco shared her hilarious stories about her rotten red-headed older brother and her precious family keeping quilt.  She also told the story behind her first book Meteor!  If you missed Patricia Polacco’s visit, check out the video below.

Grandparents Day was a HUGE Success!

Happy-Grandparents-Day1Frost Elementary grandparents were on campus Friday visiting their grandchildren.  They started off in the classroom for a special read aloud of the book How to Babysit a Grandpa by Jean Reagan.  Then they enjoyed a delicious lunch in the Frost cafeteria.  The fun continued after lunch when they rotated through 5 activities (1) Read a book together (2) Decorate a bookmark (3) Create a story together (4) Interview each other (5) Create an art project together.

We LOVE our grandparents at Frost Elementary!  Thanks for visiting and come again soon!

Dr. Book Love Visits Frost Elementary

Dr Book LoveDr. Book Love visited Frost last week to talk with the Kindergarten and 1st Grade students about how to take care of their library books.  The students learned:

1.  Water is a book’s worst enemy! Water bottles should not be stowed inside backpacks with library books.

2.  Keep library books in a safe place away from pets, young children and food and drinks.

3.  Always use clean hands when reading a library book.

4.  Turn the pages carefully so the pages don’t tear.  But if they tear, do not try to tape them yourself.  That’s Dr. Book Love’s job!

5.  Always use a book mark to hold your place in the book.  Never turn down the corner of a page or turn the book open on it’s tummy!


Journey On …


Journey on

Welcome to the NEW Frost Elementary Library Blog “Journey On…”  The purpose of our blog is to tell an AMAZING story.  Of course our story takes place in the library of an incredible school in Richmond, TX named Frost Elementary.  And the main characters are none other than our remarkably bright and talented students, teachers and parents!  The plot has yet to be revealed, but I can tell you it will be an exciting journey!  Stay tuned for our first episode beginning August 30, 2015.  Can’t wait to begin the journey!

Mrs. De Luna, Frost Elementary Librarian